Sunday, December 31, 2017

Is the Philippines Selling Radioactive Stuff to North Korea?

Is the Philippines open to business with North Korea? Is radioactive stuff being imported by the North Korean from the Philippines?
Is the North Korean government accumulating the radioactive stuff with the intension of loading it into their missile to hit Guam?

Hey wait !!!

One in every five resident in Guam is a Filipino !!!

In August 15, 2017, the scheduled plan of North Korean to launch an attack to Guam was cancelled.

Maybe the ILL GUY from North Korea may have realized that the Filipinos may not (or no longer) supply them with Radioactive Stuff in the future if they continue with the scheduled attack.

The radioactive material is known as "K-40".

How is this possible?

K is the element symbol for Potassium hence K-40 can be read as Potassium-40.

Philippine bananas are rich in Potassium.

Have you encounter the term Banana Equivalent Dose or (BED). It is an informal measurement of radiation exposure. In the study of radiation, it seems like a banana is a notorious fruit.

How many bananas are needed to make it harmful to human?

Maybe 5 million?

Don't laugh. Do you remember the Antrax Letters Attack in 2001? Who would expect that those attacks were possible?

If a genius mind turns creative, every thing can be made possible.

North Korean Scientist are geniuses, too.

Just be prepared. Do not underestimate the geniuses of every scientist in the world. Especially if they were inspired by an ILL and SICK Minded Leader.

*** Just an Idea. Just an Opinion ***

Friday, August 11, 2017

How to Make Salted Eggs - "The Dangerous Secrets Revealed - Yuck Yuck OR Yum Yum"

I always enjoy eating Salted Egg in combination with tomatoes. Everyone in the Philippines called this "Red Egg" because of the red dye color on its shell.

The presence of "red dye", unluckily, is unsafe to human because it can penetrate the pore of the shell. It can also contaminate the eggs in preparing it as food while removing the shells.

So I decided to make my own Salted Eggs.

There are Two(2) known Methods of doing these.

  1. By soaking eggs in a mixture of 50% salt plus 50% water for 18-24 days.
  2. By wrapping eggs in a moist mud mixed with equal amount of salt for 18-24 days.
After applying any method above, the final touch is by cleaning and boiling/steaming eggs for four(4) hours in medium heat.

I will describe with much details the Second Method.

In the Second Method, I choose the mud known as "punso". This is the mud created by White Ants or Termites ("anay"). In the Philippine countryside, folks believe that dwarfs lives in there and the term "nuno sa punso" became a legend.

I believe that it is safer to choose the "punso" because there is a zero possibility that it may be contaminated by poison and minerals specially if white ants  or Termites or "anay" are still living there.

My Procedures:

  1. Mix equal amount of "punso" and sea salt.
  2. Add a little water to moist the mixture.
  3. Get fresh eggs. I check the eggs by looking it directly under a light source. There should be no dark spots inside the egg.
  4. Get an empty egg tray.
  5. Wrap the eggs with mud mixtures and put it on the the egg tray.
  6. Keep it in a safe place for 24 days.
  7. On the 24th day, clean the eggs.
  8. Boil or steam the eggs for four(4) hours in medium heat.
  9. DO NOT color it. Red dye is harmful to human.
  10. Enjoy

Oh My God !!! Am I going to eat these Salted Eggs?

You, My Dear Readers !!! Will you still eat Salted Eggs after I Revealed to you the "Dangerous Secrets of Salted Eggs"?

Yuck Yuck or Yum Yum ? Please make your comments below.

"Legality of Martial Law" - Download The Freeware Ebook

This software is a Compilations of Laws, Decisions, Resolutions, Administrative Orders, Executive Orders, Memorandum Circulars, Memorandum Orders, and Proclamations Involving Martial Law. Updates can be downloaded FREE.

Everytime an ordinary Filipino encounter the word Martial Law, he associated this word immediately to President Ferdinand Edralin Marcos. 

But do you know that there were five Philippine Presidents and one Spanish Governor-General who declared Martial Law? 

They were Duterte(2017), Arroyo(2009), Marcos(1972), Laurel(1944), Emilio Aguinaldo(1898), Spanish Governor-General Ramón Blanco(1896)

Here is another Trivia:

Marcos and Laurel declared Martial Law on the same day and month - September 21. Laurel was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court when Marcos was given a not guilty verdict.

Download Link:

Created by: UtakPinoy.Com

Version: Freeware 2017.08.11.0

Friday, July 28, 2017

To Every Thing There is a Season

The sunset picture was taken from the 2nd floor of SM Baguio (Pines Hotel was formerly located here), 6:00 pm, 2017 June 30. The the temperature was surprisingly hot as the sun sets in the western horizon.

As I recall ... back in time ... when Pines Hotel stood here;
   We went to the hotel's restaurant to play chess;
   Learned to swim at the pool;
   Played video game at the basement.
Then evil spirit visited the place...
   No more video games at the basement ...
   It was converted into a casino ...
   ... a sink drain were money can be flushed out.
   ... as fast as you can read the cards.
The wind of change blew the place;
   Smoke covers the basement fast;
   The high rise building becomes the tower of inferno.
There goes the place were we used to play chess;
   The chess tables were we used to play
   ... were gone ...
   ... but in my memories ...
   ... it lives forever.
                                                   /* by Alex A. Valdez */

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
King James Version (KJV)

1. To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2. A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;

4. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

5. A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

6. A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

7. A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

8. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Paul Wilbur in Baguio

2017 April 28,
Melvin Jones Grandstand,
Baguio City, Philippines.
Paul Wilbur is back in Baguio to perform as part of the Philippines-Israel Friendships Anniversary.
After World War 2, the Philippines admitted Jew Refugees stay Marikina, Philippines. The Philippines was a signatory to the United Nation in recognizing Israel as a country.

The opening of the concert was dubbed as "Fiery Mountain".

Part 1/3

Part 2/3 - Singing "Adonai"

Part 3/3 - The blowing of shofars. 
The "Sound of the Resureccion" is surrounding the Mountains of Baguio.
The "Breath of Life" brings lives of the deads.

for the playlist

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Most Common Accidents in the Kitchen

We should design our movements and routine in the kitchen by taking into consideration the Most Common Accidents in the Kitchen. Also remember the "Murphy's Law" - "If anything can go wrong, it will."

Here are the List of Most Common Accidents in the Kitchen.

* Knive Injuries. - Learn how to use knives properly. You may sometimes cut yourself because of unsharpened knives.

* Slipping Over. - Keep flooring dry. We always moves fast in the kitchen. Liquid may drop to the floor causing the floor slippery. 

* Scalding Self with Boiling Liquid. - Check saucepan and other utensils handles. I the screw of handle get loose, it may fail and get out of control. 

* Oven Burns. - Always wear oven mitts to protect your hands.

* Blender Cuts. - Never try to keep the inside of the blender is the wire is still plug-in to the electric source. Accidental pushing of switches may happened. You may loose your fingers.

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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Pizza Toppings

Before doing the "pizza toppings", inspect the "pizza dough" for desired quality.
1. Spread thin layer of tomato sauce.
2. Put the meat toppings first then followed by vegetables.
3. Cover with cheese.
Other variation:
* Put cheese at the edge of the pizza dough then cover it by the dough itself as demonstrated in some part of this video.

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Is the Philippines Selling Radioactive Stuff to North Korea?

Is the Philippines open to business with North Korea? Is radioactive stuff being imported by the North Korean from the Philippines? Is th...